Anti-allergy bedding
Anti-allergy covers (pillowcase, duvet cover and mattress cover) help reduce and prevent the complaints of dust mite allergy in bed. They act as a protective layer against dust mites: the bugs and the allergens they emit cannot pass through them.
How do you get complaints from house dust mite allergy?
If you suffer from a dust mite allergy, you are hypersensitive to the feces of the dust mite (in this case the allergens). The allergens are so small that they travel through the air as dust. This makes you inhale them easily. A hypersensitivity reaction of your immune system to the allergens causes your complaints.
What is anti-allergy bedding?
Anti-allergy bedding are covers that you can zip around your mattress, duvet and pillow. These covers ensure that dust mites and their droppings are no longer released from, for example, your mattress.
How does anti-allergy bedding work?
With a house dust mite allergy you often suffer from complaints when you lie in bed. This is because most dust mites live in your bed. Your bed is an ideal living environment for dust mites, it is dark, warm, humid and they are fed by your skin flakes.
Anti-allergy bedding does not ensure that dust mites disappear completely. This is because this is not possible. However, anti-allergy covers ensure that dust mites and allergens are no longer released from your mattress, pillow and duvet. Dust mites and their droppings cannot pass through bedding. So you lock them up, as it were.
By locking up the dust mites and allergens, you will not inhale them as easily and you will experience fewer complaints. This way you can breathe a sigh of relief again and sleep wonderfully.
Which complaints can you prevent with anti-allergy bedding?
The complaints that can arise from house dust mite allergy are diverse. The most common complaints are:
- Nasal cold
- Sneezing fits and an itchy nose
- Irritation of your eyes
- Shortness of breath
- Skin rash
- Fatigue and reduced sleep
Read more about the symptoms of dust mite allergy .
When do you use anti-allergy bedding?
You use anti-allergy bedding if you, your partner, roommate or housemate suffer from a dust mite allergy. The anti-allergy covers only work optimally when you provide the entire bed with covers. With a double bed, this applies to both your side and the side where your partner sleeps.
The benefits of anti-allergy bedding
Many people take medications (antihistamines) to suppress the hypersensitivity reaction of the immune system. This means you will suffer less from your allergy complaints. Medicines always have side effects. By investing in anti-allergy covers from Cara C'air, many people use up to 50% less medication.
In addition to reduced complaints, less use of medication and washing the duvet and pillow less often, Cara C'air anti-allergy covers offer you even more benefits:
- Blocks 98% of allergens
- 10 year warranty
- No rustling, comfortable
- Breathable fabric without allowing allergens to pass through
- Up to 50% less medication use
- Only wash once every six months
Combat dust mites step by step
In addition to investing in anti-allergy bedding, you can also reduce the presence of allergens in other places in the home. The most effective way to do this is to follow the Anti-House Dust Mite Action Plan, download the free step-by-step plan at CaraC' .