Certain allergies go hand in hand with nasal complaints. For example, allergic reactions to dust mites and pollen (hay fever) often cause the following complaints:
If you suffer from this, combat the complaints with the anti-allergy kit.
The anti-allergy kit from Dos Medical consists of:
The NasoFree nasal douche has been specially developed for cleaning the nose and paranasal sinuses. You can simply hold your head upright when using this nasal douche and determine the pressure and volume that you inject.
Rinsing the nose daily is safe and keeps the nose and paranasal sinuses clean, healthy and open. Always use a nasal douche in combination with nasal rinse salt.
The effect of nasal douches has been scientifically studied. This research shows that:
nasal douches with nasal rinse salt really work as described above, and that
a model like the NasoFree nasal douche is the most effective compared to other forms.
NasoFree nasal rinse salt has been formulated in consultation with ENT doctors. This rinse salt contains a combination of sodium chloride (NaCl) and sodium carbonate (NaHCO3). As a result, it is perceived as softer and more comfortable than salt rinses with only sodium chloride.
RhinoBlock nasal ointment places a protective layer over the nasal mucosa. This prevents allergens, such as pollen (pollen) and allergens (feces) from house dust mites, from settling there en masse. Fewer allergens on the nasal mucosa means fewer allergy complaints.
NasoFree and RhinoBlock are medical devices, read the instructions for use before use.